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CGRAS LogoThe Center for Gender, Race, 和区域研究中心(CGRAS)是博彩平台推荐的一个学术中心,由妇女和性别研究的跨学科项目组成, Genocide and Humans Rights Studies, Asian Studies, Latin American and Latinx​ Studies, Africana Studies, Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies, and Peace Studies. Our core mission is the study of diverse, 处境不利或边缘化的社会和人口,重点是如何促进社会正义. CGRAS促进了围绕性别内部和性别之间多样性的智力协同作用, race, and ethnicity in scholarship and teaching. 为了支持博彩平台推荐的学术多元化,我们开发了超出我们组成项目的广泛学科的项目.

Affiliated Academic Programs

In the Africana Studies concentration, 学生探索非洲血统的人在非洲和世界各地的生活, but especially Sub-Saharan Africa, the United States and the Caribbean. In the process students will develop a cultural, historical, political, 对非洲人后裔生活方式的社会和地理认识, worked and fought for self-definition. 对文学传统等主题的考察, artistic production, cultural practices, education, religion, human rights, environmental degradation and renewal, democracy, revolution, 在这种跨学科的背景下,健康是理解现代世界的核心.

The interdisciplinary Asian Studies major reflects the growing importance of the eastern, southeastern and southern regions of Asia, 以及像中国这样的国家不可否认的核心作用, 今天,日本和印度在世界经济和世界事务中发挥着作用. 通过结合社会科学教师的观点, humanities, arts and business, students gain knowledge of the region as a whole, as well as the diverse histories, politics, economies and cultures of countries it encompasses.

Students in the Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies concentration explore the ways race and ethnicity have been, and continue to be, 强大的社会和政治力量在美国和世界各地. 学生研究种族和民族如何与身份形成的其他结构相交, such as class, gender, sexuality, nationality and legal status. The concentration also allows students to compare U.S. 与世界上其他种族和民族多元化国家的经验, both past and present.

Through the Genocide and Humans Rights Studiesconcentration, 研究大规模暴力事件的发生率是为了增进对我们所来自的社会的理解, 我们生活的社会和我们正在塑造的社会. In the process, students learn about collusion and resistance; about the hot violence of mass murder and the cold violence of the modern, bureaucratic machinery of death; and about suffering and adaptation to suffering. Students learn how societies disintegrate, step by step, and how ordinary men, 妇女和儿童既参与这种解体,又受到这种解体的影响. 简而言之,学生们学到了很多让世界变得更美好的东西.

Latin American and Latinx Studies 多学科集中课程是否旨在让学生接触实质性的文化, 拉丁美洲和拉丁裔在美国的经济和地缘政治影响.S. 它提供的课程标志着历史的多样性, cultural and political experiences of Latin America, 拉丁美洲和美国之间的相互关系.S.拉丁裔在美国的影响力越来越大.S. 学生有机会选修与艺术史相关的专业课程, communications, economics, history, international development, political science, and Spanish.

Peace is not simply the absence of war. 正义和平等的存在也确保了基本生活必需品的满足. It involves the elimination of violence, oppression, 贪婪和环境破坏通过建设性的调解冲突. Students in the Peace Studies concentration 将检查冲突发生的背景:个人之间, in communities and organizations, and within societies and between states, 以及冲突如何导致建设性的改变,而不是暴力. 学生还将有机会探索和参与为积极的社会变革提供希望的行动.

Clark’s Women’s and Gender Studies degree program 始于20世纪70年代的一个政治时刻,当时学生积极分子敦促他们的女权主义导师开始开设女性研究课程. As a WGS major or minor, students explore women’s issues, 女性和男性的社会建构, 以及亚洲体育博彩平台所有研究领域的性别维度. 这个跨学科的项目汇集了来自人文学科的50多名教员, social sciences, cultural studies, management, and visual and performing arts. 项目课程强调社会身份和社会关系的重要性, such as those shaped by gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, and class, 为了理解个人和集体的经历.

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Center for Gender, Race and Area Studies

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