Aerial view of 波多黎各 where faculty in the 部门 可持续发展与社会正义 research and work.


加入我们的研究人员社区, 从业人员, 学生, and partners working to drive inclusive and equitable societal change.

Be part of a just and sustainable future

Through our work, we strive for a more just and sustainable world. We understand the complexity of urgent social, 政治, and ecological challenges and develop leaders who are prepared to find solutions through 协作 scholarship and innovation.

The 部门 可持续发展与社会正义 is an evolution of the legacy begun by IDCE, with a transformed curriculum and new programming to better address today’s greatest global challenges.



Whether you’re interested in sustainable food systems, 解决健康差距, tackling climate-change impacts and inequities, or formulating human-centered policies to tackle global migration, you’ll learn how to draw from and integrate multiple forms of knowledge to inform meaningful action.

Laurie Ross standing with community partners in front of a building marked 'Center for Community Revitalization.'


Our degree 项目 are distinctive and designed to make a difference through integrative, 协作, 体验式学习. Our 学生 learn by working alongside 从业人员 and communities that are most impacted by social and ecological inequities.

faculty member with 学生 taking water samples


Work 协作ly with communities, both in the city of 伍斯特 and around the world, to help find solutions to real-world challenges. 我们的教师建立当地的伙伴关系, 指导实习项目, and lead global learning 协作s that help you gain valuable real-world experience in your chosen field.



The 部门 可持续发展与社会正义 has been a pioneer in areas of international development, 参与式农村评价, 性别与发展, environmental science and policy — and their integration — for decades. We are advancing scholarship 和实践 that expands educational access and equity in the Caribbean, drives efforts to increase affordable housing in the United States, 模拟墨西哥的气候变化, and increases food security by enhancing our understanding of traditional farming practices in 埃塞俄比亚.

学生微笑, seated in a seminar classroom in the 部门 可持续发展与社会正义


Our undergraduate and graduate 项目 are grounded in interdisciplinary frameworks and professional practice. Prepare for your chosen career by gaining a foundation in social and environmental science and professional 技能 such as project management, 监测与评价, 政策分析, 组织的领导, 空间分析. You’ll design and assess projects through an intersectional lens as you engage communities in an ethical and authentic way.


A group of undergraduate 学生 in the audience of the Presidential Lecture Series


The 部门 可持续发展与社会正义 brings together decades of collective experience in North America, 非洲, 亚洲, 和拉丁美洲. Find meaning and purpose as you join a network of thousands of alumni working for positive change across the world.

研究生 学生 gather for a casual conversation on the porch of the 部门 可持续发展与社会正义 building


Our distinguished master’s degrees focus on critical analysis and hands-on practice, 给你知识, 技能, and experience to put your 技能 to work. Find a master’s degree or certificate program that will help you advance in your chosen field.



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“Share the Platform: Collaborative Strategies for Refugee Integration in Academia”





演讲者:阿尔弗雷德Babo & 安妮塔Fabos, Co-Founders of Share the Platform

24年春季学期, the Belonging Talks center on the theme of “Co-Creating Workforce Integration and Belonging for Refugees and Communities.” Our speakers explore topics related to sustainability and inclusivity for refugees in the workforce and in communities.

博彩平台推荐SSJ教授, 安妮塔Fabos, will be joined by colleague and Fairfield University professor, 阿尔弗雷德Babo, to present about the Share the Platform initiative they started in 2019. The mission of Share the Platform is to “center the expertise of refugees to improve policy, 项目, 和实践.” They will converse about strategies for those of non-refugee backgrounds to better advocate for and “share the platform” with fellow colleagues from refugee backgrounds, including a discussion of best practices from a refugee perspective. 想了解更多,请点击 http://www.sharetheplatform.org/.

主持人:Leora Kahn & Craig Mortley, Co-Convenors of Share the Platform

报名要求: http://clarku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6NI7WEKSRNSKwSWdwMJVww#/registration


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部门 可持续发展与社会正义
